Born in Lodi – Lives in Brianza – Italy.
Architect – Professor of art history – Painter – Writer – Art and literary critic (as a Publicist, 1984 Order of Journalists, he was a member of the jury in the following literary prizes: Literary Prize Brianza Inedito, Prize Lodi Citt di Ada Negri , Cesare Angelini Award – Pavia, Brianza Journalistic Award) – Author of musical texts, he trained with the teachings of Pino Calvi, Alberto Testa, Sergio Poggi, Alfredo Rapetti Mogol and especially Piero Soffici, first at Ricordi and later at Ri -Fi Records. Associated author S.I.A.E. Italian Society of Authors and Publishers, Music Section, pseudonym: Campiello.
Published volumes:
- Sentimenti per Venezia (1983)
- Dynamic tracks (1984)
- Antonio Cantamesse’s archaic semantics (1984)
- Cantamesse’s ostensori (1985)
- Protagonists & Protagonisms (1993)
- Antonio Cantamesse painter – Totems and other works (1988)
- The bee-eater route (2018)
- The real imaginative (2019)
- The fissures of time (2019)
- First works, Feelings for Venice, Dynamic tracks (Restyling 2020)
- Protagonists & Protagonisms (Restyling 2020)

The first pictorial period, characterized by the experience of a new abstract symbolism with the cycles: Internal contrasts – Horoscope – Archaic semantics – Monstrances – Totems, had significant recognition with the personal exhibition at Villa Erba in Cernobbio from 2 to July 31, 1988; then, in the cycles: Events – Exoplanets – Cross-references – Plants – Contaminations – 100% – A painting as a cultural gesture – Primordial concept, he gradually embraced as a natural evolution a new type of abstract expressionism, well revealed with the personal exhibition at the Civic Gallery of Seregno from 3 to 11 December 2016.
Numerous national prizes have been awarded to his works. Inserted in the catalog “Lombardia Cultural Heritage” (portal of the Lombard cultural heritage). Some of his works are present in the following art collections: Sanctuary of Seregno, Pius XI Museum of Desio, Place of memory (Vajont) of Longarone, Palazzo Vittone di Pinerolo, Municipal space of Vezzi Portio, Garden of the women of Avigliana, Civic library by Quiliano, Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan.
Antonio Cantamesse is currently working on a new book of poems, he continues to write song lyrics for Simona Palumbo and several Italian musicians. His pictorial production in an abstract expressionist style is also active.